My new family member!

Update: in September of 2019 I had to let go of my beloved Tassy. She was 16 years old and she will never be forgotten. I am eternally grateful to have had her in my life! Thank you! The newest member of my family is Luna. Born December 26th 2020, Luna is a Mini Aussie(Australian […]

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Can you imagine this ….would I call it a hat??…..on my head.The Flamingo Hilton’s “City Lites” was a show on the Las Vegas strip that ran for 15 years. The costumes were well kept but made in an era when steel frames were used to achieve the height of head sets like this. Nowadays new

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  Introducing one of my dogs: Tassy! Also called Tassy-bear. Tassy is 13 years old in this pic at the Deschutes River in Bend, Oregon. She is a Blue Heeler and true to her breed she has been the most active puppy physically and mentally I have ever had. At the same time, she is

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I love this! Applied to humans, animals, plants and mother earth, this is a universal truth that sounds so obvious and yet seems often forgotten.

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Changes! Most often an invitation for transformation, for contemplation and to look at something from an fresh angle. In my life there have been so many changes in the last few months and I can say that it has been challenging to keep breathing. Also to remember that a higher plan is in place for

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Winter……. A time of going inward, a time to contemplate and to connect with the deep roots our being can remember, when we sit still enough and long enough .   Ok,I get this ! But here in Bend,Oregon we have had one snow blizzard after the other and it has not stopped snowing yet!

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Hello fellow travelers in this life full of surprises! I mentioned in my first blog that I am passionate about dance. Actually I feel that about all movement. Life in my experience is richer, better, more vibrant when movement—dance , hiking, walking, every form of expression through the body—is part of it. There is a


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